Element of Danger
X-Games Sickest CrashesWhat is it about the element of danger associated with the x-games that is so exciting to the American public? Why are the X-games so appealing to our culture? Is it the element of danger that excites people enough to watch? I think this is definitely part of the appeal: the possibility of someone doing something so revolutionary and crazy while risking serious injury or worse. Today's society seems to be so fascinated with excitement, controversy and danger that its no wonder that the X-games is considered mainstream. I think that people watch the X-games for the same reasons that some people watch trashy reality tv, shark week, and horror movies. Personally, I would much rather get the thrill of an exciting situation without having to put myself in danger and I think that is definitely a factor for why people tune in.
Dare To Be Different
Also, I think that the idea that the counterculture "rebel" has become cool and mainstream without being thought of as mainstream is a huge factor. Society as a whole emphasizes the idea that its ideal to be your own person, come up with new ideas, break rules, and challenge old ideas so much that it has been embraced across the board. Just like the 1960's, pop culture today is all about appealing to the youth who hold so much power in deciding what they will support and the fact of the matter is that today's youth is all about thrill, excitement, and danger.
Latest and Greatest
In addition to all of these theories, it is obvious that our culture is all about the latest and the greatest in innovations because of our technological abilities. Though the Olympics are a classic event that Americans admire, the typical events are simply not enough. In gymnastics, the gymnasts are expected to flip higher, have more dance skill, and throw more dangerous tricks than ever. The demand for new and exciting is there and that is why the Olympics are adding more extreme events such as snowboarding and skiing. Americans are simply aching for innovation and thrill because we have so many cool things in our society. In order to catch the attention of the American public, the X-games have to be over the top and shocking.